Beefcake Zombies of Mass Destruction

Beefcake Zombies of Mass Destruction

While hiding out from the zombie brain-crunchers in a red-neck church, a minister discovers that Lance and Tom are gay, and forcefully subjects them to undergo aversion therapy, which means tying them to a chair and making them watch vintage 50’s beefcake loops, as an IV hook-up makes them nauseous.  They are forced to watch Tijuana Bandit starring Ed Manning as the Bandit and Dale Hall and Jim Jones, which we happily supplied to the director. They took our pristine footage and aged it back to the 1950s, to look like an antique loop.

Here is the trailer.


Take a tour of our new streaming video website,

Take a tour of our new streaming video website,

The Bob Mizer Foundation last week launchedPosingStrap.TV, a video streaming service that allows viewing of vintage physique films on its website,...

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The Real Bob Mizer – An Interview with David Hurles

3 min read

The Real Bob Mizer – An Interview with David Hurles

When I first saw Bob Mizer’s late period color work, it looked to me like the work of an outsider – someone who created great art unintentionally,...

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Images feature nude soldiers at play during WWII

Images feature nude soldiers at play during WWII

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Physique Pictorial was a visual feast -- with a message

Physique Pictorial was a visual feast -- with a message

If the first issue of the upcoming Physique Pictorial relaunch is your introduction to Bob Mizer’s pocket-sized ode to beefcake, don’t worry – it’s...

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