Bob Mizer on: Sexual Mores

Bob Mizer on: Sexual Mores

STH2“Whereas many expressions are now accepted which would never have been tolerated in Victorian times, and each generation demands increasingly greater freedom and less hypocrisy, there still exists in almost all of us a tribal totem belief (regardless of our surface disclaimers) that sex is most sacred and must not be held up to ridicule or otherwise desecrated…” 

Physique Pictorial - June 1966

Bob Mizer on: “Hygiene for the Mouth”

Bob Mizer on: “Hygiene for the Mouth”

“In addition to outside bathing, colonics and douches for the trunk orifices, have you considered the value of regularly washing the inside of the...

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Bob Mizer on: Depression

Bob Mizer on: Depression

"Depression can occur after heavy eating & is only momentarily relieved by eating. Lack of ambition is brought on by overstuffed gut—Only cure for...

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Bob Mizer on: Prejudice

Bob Mizer on: Prejudice

"The lower down the social scale we go, the more virulent forms of prejudice are we able to discover, and the more ignorant are the excuses given to...

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Bob Mizer on: Censorship

Bob Mizer on: Censorship

“It is an assault to the dignity of man and his creator to treat any portion of the body as something shameful and disgusting.”

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