1 min read

Under Pressure, Beefcake Surveillance and Physique Pictorial

Under Pressure, Beefcake Surveillance and Physique Pictorial

"Even the most timorous feels that if he will stay in his own home and mind his own business, that there at least he will be snug and secure. But there are certain insidious groups at work in our country who don’t agree, rather they demand that you conform to their narrow perverted views and interpretations even in your own personal home–your inviolable castle.” – Bob Mizer, Physique Pictorial Vol. 10 No. 1


As you might already know, government institutions ranging from the US Postal Service to the LAPD, always had an eye for our founder, Bob Mizer. He wrote of his legal troubles often in Physique Pictorial, and offered legal advice and warning to readers, collectors and other photographers. The above photo, taken by an LAPD surveillance helicopter in the late 50s, is evidence of the pressure that Bob suffered as a pioneer of male nude photography. This particular shot, which captures the whole of the AMG compound, was taken to corroborate police suspicions that dear old Bob was keeping his boys locked in cages.




Bob Mizer on: Your Inviolable Castle

Bob Mizer on: Your Inviolable Castle

“Even the most timorous feels that if he will stay in his own home and mind his own business, that there at least he will be snug and secure. But...

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Take a sneak peek at what we have planned for Physique Pictorial, issue 44

Take a sneak peek at what we have planned for Physique Pictorial, issue 44

The Bob Mizer Foundation relaunched Mizer's groundbreaking male physique mag, Physique Pictorial, last fall to rave reviews. We're hard at work on...

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Behind the Lens: The Life and Times of Bob Mizer (Part I)

Behind the Lens: The Life and Times of Bob Mizer (Part I)

Author’s note: This is the first of a four-part series designed to introduce the novice to photographer and filmmaker Bob Mizer. We will post a new...

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